The Haftarah of Chayei-Sarah is the first chapter of the book of Melachim (Kings I).
Linear Translation of the Haftarah of Chayei-Sarah
Just as Chayei-Sarah describes Avraham’s challenges in ensuring the continuation of his legacy, the first chapter of Melachim describes King David’s challenges in ensuring the continuation of his legacy. Actually, the structure of the Parsha and the Haftarah is so symmetrical, it deserves an entire chart:
Chayei-Sarah | Haftarah |
Avraham’s purchase of a burial ground for Sarah, our very first acquisition in the Land of Israel | —- [1] |
Description of Avraham in his old age | Description of King David in his old age. |
The necessity of finding a wife for Yitzchak – to perpetuate Avraham’s legacy | The struggle over succession – identifying which son will perpetuate David’s legacy |
The story of Rivka’s betrothal is repeated in great detail, several times from different perspectives. | The story of the struggle is repeated several times from different perspectives. |
Ultimately, she marries Yitzchak and the future of the family of Avraham is ensured | Ultimately, Shlomo is chosen and the future of the dynasty of David is ensured |
And in more depth:
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Repetitions (this one is on the long side)
[1] But see the previous chapter, the last one in Shmuel II, David’s acquisition of Har HaBayit in Jerusalem.
Copyright © Kira Sirote
In memory of my father, Peter Rozenberg, z”l
לעילוי נשמת אבי מורי פנחס בן נתן נטע ז”ל