The Haftarah of Mishpatim is not read every year. Most years, Purim is already around the corner, and we read the first of the 4 Parshiyot, Shekalim. This year, Shekalim is read during Parshat Pekudei, and we read Mishpatim’s Haftarah from Yirmeyahu.
I once heard the Tanach called, “The book of G-d’s disappointments with humanity”. This Haftarah – Linear annotated translation of the Haftarah of Mishpatim – is a prime example.
And this connection between Parshat Mishpatim and the Haftarah will hopefully explain just how much patience He has for us.
The link “Linear annotated translation of the Haftarah of Mishpatim” is not working 🙁
Fixed. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!