The Haftarah of Beshalach is the longest Haftarah of the year, comprising two chapters of Shoftim: the story of Devorah and Barak’s defeat of Sisra, and Shirat Devorah (The Song of Devorah). (Sefardim only read the second chapter, but then they would be missing a serious textual connection to the Parsha: see Death Trap)
I did my best to keep it brief while still explaining what’s going on. I tried to have the translation capture the spirit and intention of Devorah, who was one of the toughest, scariest ladies who ever called herself a “Jewish Mother”. In truth, it would have been even more accurate if I could have used four-letter Anglo-Saxon words, especially in verse 5:30, but then this is intended to be read in shul. I recommend that you fill them in yourself. Trust me, that’s what Devorah meant to say.